Donate Towards Myotonic Dystrophy Community, Care, and a Cure

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The Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation (MDF), a non profit public charity, focuses on Community, Care, and a Cure for people living with myotonic dystrophy (DM). Every contribution you make helps us deliver essential support and information to patients, families and the medical community. We also fund and support important research efforts, raise awareness, and advocate with legislators and federal agencies. We couldn't do it without you.

We are a 501(c)3 (click here for a copy of our IRS tax exempt designation letter.) All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. You will receive a tax receipt from MDF acknowledging your donation either online or by mail. The Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation's IRS tax EIN is: 20-5014628. For more information, contact MDF via email or phone us at 415-800-7777.

Donate Online

The Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation partners with Network for Good to process your online credit card donations safely and securely. We gratefully accept VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Discover and PayPal. You can support specific events, or make a contribution in honor or in memory of individuals or families. You can also set up recurring donations. Donate Now!

Donate by Mail

You can make your check out to Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation and send it to:

Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation
663 Thirteenth Street, Suite 100
Oakland, CA 94612

Corporate Matching Gift Programs

Your company's corporate matching program can double the impact of your gift. Ask your employer today, or call MDF at 415-800-7777 for more information.

Grassroots Fundraising

We love to partner with our community through grassroots fundraising! These fundraisers can be anything you’d like, and range from social media fundraisers to gala dinners to organized foot races. Hosting a campaign can be fun, and Myotonic is here to help. We have resources to help you organize, plan, promote, and execute your grassroots vision. Click here to learn more about grassroots fundraisers!

Fund a Fellow

Since 2009, the Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation has provided two-year pre- and postdoctoral research fellowships to support new and innovative studies relevant to the pathogenesis of DM, disease progression, best practices in clinical management of the disorder, and therapeutic and diagnostic development for myotonic dystrophy. Through the Research Fellows Program MDF supports up-and-coming pre- and postdoctoral fellows to expand the base of committed DM researchers across the globe. Learn more about how you can fund a myotonic dystrophy fellow.

Other Donation Options

Interested in donating to MDF via a gift of stock, planned gift or other option? If so, please contact us at 415-800-7777 or via email at for more information. 

Donate Tissues, Blood - Even Your Amazing Brain!

Myotonic dystrophy is a rare disease, so researchers have difficulty procuring the samples they need for investigations. By donating to a Biobank, you can help researchers make scientific discoveries that may ultimately benefit individuals and families living with DM. Learn more about how biobanks are changing the future of myotonic dystrophy.

The Stanford Biobank is a collection of biological samples from donors with neuromuscular conditions such as myotonic dystrophy. The Biobank contains samples such as blood, muscle, skin biopsies, spinal fluid, and other clinical specimens, collected from donors with myotonic dystrophy as well as their unaffected family members. Samples can be collected with your consent during routine clinic visits, during scheduled surgical procedures, or after death with your family’s consent. The Biobank organizers then store these samples so that they can be shared with scientists throughout the world for research. These samples are tremendously valuable for determining how neuromuscular conditions affect the body, which will help develop meaningful treatments. Click here to learn more about the Stanford Biobank and how you can enroll.