Mark Coplin is the new Support Group Facilitator for Portland, Oregon and Southwest Washington. Mark and his wife, Rebecca, provide technical support and help curate education topics and advocacy opportunities for the group. The Coplin family was recently introduced to the DM community when Mark’s oldest son was diagnosed with DM1 in 2019. After further testing identified Mark and many members of his family as positive for DM1, it became very clear to Mark and Rebecca that this was their new “Path-in-Life" and dove into everything DM. Mark’s 36-year long career as a registered architect in several states focused on Senior Retirement Communities and designing elements for mobility challenges, some of which may be suited for future challenges with DM. Mark, along with Rebecca, vow to continue to learn more about DM and to help others dealing with this disease. Mark attended his first Annual Conference in Philadelphia and quickly realized the he and his family are part of a larger family in the DM community. He is committed to helping his local support group family any way he can and looks forward to contributing to the DM community.