The Latest in Research, Disease Management, Drug Development and more
This year’s MDF Annual Conference was held Thursday, September 15 - Saturday, September 17, 2016 in Washington, DC. We added an extra day to include the first DM Patient-Focused Drug Development (PFDD) meeting, where MDF community members educated the FDA and other federal agency representatives about symptoms and disease issues that are most important to patients and families, and guided their thinking on DM drug review. The additional day also allowed us to provide more networking and education opportunities. Read a report about the conference here.
Watch Conference Videos and Presentations
To access presentations and videos from many of the sessions, click on the headers below.
For more information, contact MDF at info@myotonic.org or by phone at 415-800-7777.
The 2016 Myotonic Annual Conference Community Track included the following sessions below. You'll find links for the presentations and videos from those sessions linked below if they are available.
Thursday, September 15, 2016:
Friday, September 16, 2016:
- Hill Day Briefing and Mini-Training
- DM101: Getting a Handle on the Basics
- Living Long, Living Well: A Current Approach to Palliative Care
- DM & Intimacy: Talking to Your Doctor
Saturday, September 17, 2016:
- Applying for Disability Coverage: Understanding the Social Secuirty Administration Process
- DM Pulmonary Considerations: Science and Management Strategies
- Update - Myotonic 3.0: Accelerating Drug Development
- DM2: Symptoms Overview and Management Strategies
- DM & Exercise: A Panel Discussion
- Occupational Therapy: Getting a Grip on Daily Activity
- DM & Sexuality: Talking with Your Partner
- Presentation Not Available
- Transitioning to Adulthood: Surviving and Thriving
- DM & the GI Tract: Overview and Symptom Management
- DM2: Research Update
- DM & Family Planning
- Myotonic Care and a Cure Progress Report
- DM & the Brain: Science and Symptoms
- Early Stage DM Therapy Development Update
- DM Clinical Trial Updates
- DM Heroes
Contact Myotonic at (415) 872-7924 or via email.
Links to presentations for sessions and meetings included in the 2016 Myotonic Annual Conference Professionals Track are provided below, when available.
Thursday, September 15, 2016:
- International Physical Therapists Meeting: Defining Endpoint Measurement SOPs
- Publication with the proceeds of this meeting will be published in 2017
- Drug Development Roundtable
- Rigor, Reproducibility and Defining Adequate Rationale for Trials (pdf)
- Lessons Learned from Duchenne Regulatory Submissions (pdf)
- The (Elusive) Perfect Mouse Model (pdf)
- Feeding the Pipeline: Optimizing Academic-Industry Collaborations (pdf)
- Myotonic Dystrophy Burden of Disease Study Initial Findings
- DM Patient-Focused Drug Development (PFDD) Meeting, Sheraton College Park North, Beltsville, MD
Friday, September 16, 2016:
- Myotonic Dystrophy Clinical Research Network (DMCRN) Meeting
Saturday, September 17, 2016:
- MRI As a Research Endpoint - Grant Update
- Supporting Patients: DM and Sexuality for Clinicians
- Mega Mouse: Development of a New DM Animal Model
- Assay and Screening Study - Grant Update
- Grant Writing Training
Contact Myotonic at 415-800-7777 or via email.