Scholarship Application: 2024 MDF Regional Conferences

MDF is providing an opportunity to request financial support to attend a Regional Conference in person this year. MDF Scholarships can award up to $750 in reimbursement and can cover: travel (including airfare, rental car, or mileage reimbursement), lodging, parking, local transportation (including Taxi & Rideshare), and travel day meals. Priority will be given to applications for first-time in-person attendees. Download the full MDF Scholarship policy to learn more about allowable expenses.

If you are waiting for a response or have questions about MDF Scholarships, please contact MDF’s Community Education Manager, Emily Romney, at

Please Note: All Scholarships have been awareded for our Conferences in Gainesville, FL, Boston, MA, and Los Angeles, CA. If you are still interested in a Scholarship for these locaitons, please apply to join the waitlist using the form below in case someone is no longer able to accept their award or additional scholarship funding becomes available.

MDF Regional Conference Scholarship Application

Please note, all questions marked with an * require a response.